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Рынок недвижимости Бангкока остается привлекательным для иностранных инвесторов

Bangkok property market remains attractive to foreign investors

According to experts, the Bangkok real estate market remains an attractive investment option for foreigners. The main reason is the lower cost of living.

Demand for housing in the Thai capital and supply will become more balanced and the market will improve. Demand for the Bangkok real estate market will increasingly come from foreign investors, in particular from employees of large international companies working remotely.< br>
After the opening of the borders, the interest of foreigners in housing in Bangkok will only intensify. To this end, the Thai authorities plan to soften immigration rules and issue 10-year visas to wealthy citizens of other countries.

The authorities expect to vaccinate at least 80 percent of the inhabitants of the capital and other cities in order to strengthen the confidence of foreign property buyers in a short period of time. It is also planned to increase the demand for housing through a longer visa.
At least 80,000 new housing units are expected to be introduced in Bangkok in 2022, compared to 53,693 units expected in this one. in order to build the confidence of foreign property buyers in a short period of time. It is also planned to increase the demand for housing through a longer visa.
At least 80,000 new housing units are expected to be introduced in Bangkok in 2022, compared to 53,693 units expected in this one. in order to build the confidence of foreign property buyers in a short period of time. It is also planned to increase the demand for housing through a longer visa.
At least 80,000 new housing units are expected to be introduced in Bangkok in 2022, compared to 53,693 units expected in this one.
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