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В Дубае появился сервис аренды жилья для женщин

Dubai launches women's rental service

Dubai has a new Internet platform at rentals, which is exclusively for women.

A service called Golightly is an analogue of the well-known Internet resource Airbnb. The main feature of the new platform is that only women can use it - both owners and tenants of apartments in Dubai.< br>
Wakefield Research conducted a study that showed that the vast majority of women, namely 89 percent, want to get extra security measures while traveling. Women who apartments in Dubai. Reservations can only be made by women, who can still bring anyone on their trips and share apartments with both sexes. prefer more secure locks and check apartments for hidden cameras. However, half of them want to stay in apartments exclusively for women.

The Golightly Internet platform is a private club that can be accessed by invitation only. The service allows you to place and find advertisements for short-term rent or joint rent apartments in Dubai. Reservations can only be made by women, who can still bring anyone on their trips and share apartments with both sexes. entrance to which can be obtained only by invitation. The service allows you to place and find advertisements for short-term rent or joint rent apartments in Dubai. Reservations can only be made by women, who can still bring anyone on their trips and share apartments with both sexes. entrance to which can be obtained only by invitation. The service allows you to place and find advertisements for short-term rent or joint rent apartments in Dubai. Reservations can only be made by women, who can still bring anyone on their trips and share apartments with both sexes.
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