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На стимулирование жилищного строительства в Новосибирской области направят более 5,7 миллиардов рублей

More than 5.7 billion rubles will be allocated to stimulate housing construction in the Novosibirsk Region

Over seven years, the Novosibirsk Region plans to allocate more than 5.7 billion rubles for the implementation of the state program to stimulate the development of housing construction. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Construction of the region Alexei Kolmakov during a meeting of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region on March 18.

According to the changes in the state program "Stimulating the development of housing construction in the Novosibirsk region for 2015-2020", an increase in appropriations for the implementation of the program will amount to 455 million rubles. In addition, the program will be extended until 2021.

According to Kolmakov, an increase in appropriations for the implementation of the program is envisaged in such areas as urban planning preparation of territories, a fund of spatial data, land resources and infrastructure, state support for the completion of the construction of problematic residential buildings, the construction of housing for certain categories of citizens. Also, the state support of the municipalities of the region has been increased in providing housing for large and low-income families and in other areas.

Siberian company with an international name GZHF.rf helps clients with questions real estate purchases, sales, rent, exchange, mortgages in all cities, where we have a presence - Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Pattaya, Dubai, Alanya, Phuket and Toronto. GZhF.rf is one of the five largest international agencies in Russia.

GZHF.rf is a laureate of the international competition "Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage companies in Russia. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company also includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards, and real estate services. Phuket and Toronto. GZhF.rf is one of the five largest international agencies in Russia.

GZHF.rf is a laureate of the international competition "Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage companies in Russia. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company also includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards, and real estate services. Phuket and Toronto. GZhF.rf is one of the five largest international agencies in Russia.

GZHF.rf is a laureate of the international competition "Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage companies in Russia. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company also includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards, and real estate services. >GZHF.rf is a laureate of the international competition "Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage companies in Russia. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company also includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards, and real estate services. >GZHF.rf is a laureate of the international competition "Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage companies in Russia. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company also includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards, and real estate services.
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