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Siberian company with an international name CMP, real estate news, mortgage news

С 1 января изменятся правила уплаты налога при продаже жилья для нерезидентов РФ

From January 1, the rules for paying tax on the sale of housing for non-residents of the Russian Federation will change

From January 1, 2019, non-residents of the Russian Federation will be exempted from paying personal income tax when sale of property, which was owned for more than the minimum period of ownership - three years or five years. Thus, residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation will have equal taxation rules property sales.

sale of property owned for more than the minimum period of ownership, individuals-residents of the Russian Federation are exempt from paying personal income tax. Regarding objects real estate (apartments, rooms, etc.) such a period is three years (if the property was acquired before January 1, 2016) or five years (the property was registered from January 1, 2016) depending on the conditions for the emergence of ownership rights to them, and in relation to other property (vehicles, garages, etc.) e) three years.

If the property is sold before the deadline, then the income from its sale is subject to personal income tax in the prescribed manner. In this case, the tax rate for residents is 13 percent, for non-residents it remains 30 percent.

A Siberian company with an international name GZhF.rf< /a> helps clients with buying real estate, sales, rent, exchange, mortgages in all cities where we have a presence - Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Pattaya, Dubai, Alanya, Phuket and Toronto. GZhF.rf is one of the five largest international agencies in Russia.

GZHF.rf is a laureate of the international competition "Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage brokers in the market of the city of Novosibirsk. Uniqueness GZHF.rf - in the fact that the company includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards, and real estate transactions.
< br> GZHF.rf is a company whose employees have managed to prove themselves in the best possible way in relation to any real estate transactions. We will help you make a deal that is profitable in literally every way. The secret to the success of our organization is very simple. To ensure that each transaction for the sale of an apartment, house or cottage of our clients is concluded on the best terms, we employ experienced professionals who can increase the number of really worthy offers. according to AHML standards, and real estate transactions.

GZHF.rf is a company whose employees have done their best prove themselves in relation to any real estate transactions. We will help you make a deal that is profitable in literally every way. The secret to the success of our organization is very simple. To ensure that each transaction for the sale of an apartment, house or cottage of our clients is concluded on the best terms, we employ experienced professionals who can increase the number of really worthy offers. according to AHML standards, and real estate transactions.

GZHF.rf is a company whose employees have done their best prove themselves in relation to any real estate transactions. We will help you make a deal that is profitable in literally every way. The secret to the success of our organization is very simple. To ensure that each transaction for the sale of an apartment, house or cottage of our clients is concluded on the best terms, we employ experienced professionals who can increase the number of really worthy offers. whose employees have managed to prove themselves from the best side in relation to any real estate transactions. We will help you make a deal that is profitable in literally every way. The secret to the success of our organization is very simple. To ensure that each transaction for the sale of an apartment, house or cottage of our clients is concluded on the best terms, we employ experienced professionals who can increase the number of really worthy offers. whose employees have managed to prove themselves from the best side in relation to any real estate transactions. We will help you make a deal that is profitable in literally every way. The secret to the success of our organization is very simple. To ensure that each transaction for the sale of an apartment, house or cottage of our clients is concluded on the best terms, we employ experienced professionals who can increase the number of really worthy offers.
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