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Siberian company with an international name CMP, real estate news, mortgage news

Более половины работающего населения России не интересуются приобретением недвижимости

More than half of the working population of Russia are not interested in acquiring real estate

More than half of Russia's working population is not at all interested in investing in real estate or stocks. Almost 52 percent of the country's residents live “only on a salary” and it is impossible for them to purchase real estate.

According to the results of a study by the scientific and educational portal IQ, only 3 percent of working Russians have savings and try to invest money, and not live “from paycheck to paycheck."

“Existence from paycheck to paycheck leads to the dominance of the attitude to live no worse than others and no worse than before. A person not only cannot, but also is not aimed at postponing savings and acquiring additional economic resources. The implementation of consumer patterns that are characteristic of the social stratum to which he belongs comes to the fore, ”the study says.

A Siberian company with an international name GZHF.rf helps clients with questions real estate purchases, sales, rent, exchange, mortgages in all cities where we have a presence - Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Pattaya, Dubai, Alanya, Phuket and Toronto. GZhF.rf is one of the five largest international agencies in Russia.

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