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Новосибирская область включена в пилотный проект по страхованию жилья

Novosibirsk Region is included in the pilot project on home insurance

Seven regions of Russia will become pilot sites for launching emergency home insurance programs. The list includes St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Moscow, Sverdlovsk, Tver, Tyumen and Novosibirsk regions. In the future, the list may be expanded.

The new law will come into force in August this year. Emergency home insurance will be voluntary for citizens. Three sources will be involved at once for a more complete compensation of damage: the federal and regional budgets, as well as the funds of insurance companies. For the system to work, the regions will have to develop their own programs.

The preliminary estimate of the average cost of an apartment insurance policy against key risks - both natural disasters and domestic risks - is 150 rubles per month. Market participants are counting on the demand for a new tool for financial protection of housing, despite the fact that the final version of the law does not have any incentives that could contribute to a significant expansion of coverage of the population with insurance.

Siberian company with an international name GZHF.rf helps clients with questions real estate purchases, sales, rent, exchange, mortgages in all cities, where we have a presence - Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Pattaya, Dubai, Alanya, Phuket and Toronto. GZhF.rf is one of the five largest international agencies in Russia.

GZHF.rf is a laureate of the international competition "Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage companies in Russia. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company also includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards, and real estate services. a href="">GZHF.rf is one of the five largest international agencies in Russia.

GZHF.rf is a laureate of the international competition "Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage companies in Russia. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company also includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards, and real estate services. a href="">GZHF.rf is one of the five largest international agencies in Russia.

GZHF.rf is a laureate of the international competition "Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage companies in Russia. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company also includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards, and real estate services. is a laureate of the international competition "The Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage companies in Russia. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company also includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards, and real estate services. is a laureate of the international competition "The Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage companies in Russia. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company also includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards, and real estate services.
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