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Лучший работодатель 2018

Best Employer 2018

According to HR-Trend
Трижды лауреат

Three times laureate

Gemma - “Best Products and Services”
Делайте карьеру с ГЖА

Make a career with CMP

Join the team of professionals!
Устройте зиме лето - получи пенсионную визу в подарок!

Arrange winter summer - get a pension visa as a gift!

When buying an apartment in Pattaya or Phuket, you purchase a retirement visa at the expense of CMP
ГЖА дарит 500 рублей

CMP donates 500 rubles

When buying an apartment in Irkutsk before the New Year
Ипотека в 3D

Mortgage in 3D

Our company offers a full range of actions for the selection of mortgage programs on the most favorable and convenient terms.
Корона есть, а недвижимости нет?

There is a crown, but no real estate?

Invest in Phuket! 100% safe investment. Guaranteed income from 8% to 17% per annum in foreign currency
Мне нужна твоя квартира дорого!!!

I need your apartment dear!!!

Favorable special offers for the purchase of an apartment, house or land from our company.