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В Новосибирске объем господдержки молодым семьям при покупке квартиры вырастет на треть

In Novosibirsk, the amount of state support for young families when buying an apartment will increase by a third

Until 2025, 30 percent more young families will be supported in the Novosibirsk Region when buying an apartment. Relevant changes to the state program "Provision of housing for young families in the Novosibirsk region" were approved at a meeting of the Government of the region, which took place on March 16.

According to Ivan Shmidt, Minister of Construction of the Novosibirsk Region, the volume of financing under the program will be increased by 293 million rubles from the federal, regional and local budgets. Thus, in 2020-2025, it is planned to attract more than 403 million rubles for the implementation of the state program. The number of young families eligible to receive social benefits for will also increase. purchase of an apartment.

“The program provides for the provision of social payments to young families for the purchase or construction of standard housing, the number of young families receiving certificates of the right to receive social benefits in 2020-2025 has been adjusted from 110 to 372 families. In addition, it is planned to provide young families with additional social benefits at the birth or adoption of a child,” Ivan Schmidt said.
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