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Siberian company with an international name CMP, real estate news, mortgage news

Застройщиков апартаментов хотят обязать платить взносы в Фонд дольщиков

Developers of apartments want to be obliged to pay contributions to the Shareholders' Fund

whose projects will meet the criteria of the Ministry of Construction, must switch to a shared housing construction scheme using escrow accounts. The funds of equity holders will be credited to these accounts and will be kept there until the end of construction. Developers will not be able to receive this money until the apartments are handed over to buyers; they will have to build housing with their own funds or bank loans.

Siberian company with an international name GZHF.rf helps clients with questions real estate purchases, sales, rent, exchange, mortgages in all cities where we have a presence — Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Pattaya , Dubai, Alanya, Phuket and Toronto. GZhF.rf is one of the five largest international agencies in Russia.

GZHF.rf is a laureate of the international competition "Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage companies in Russia. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company also includes the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards,
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