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Mortgages with bad credit

In recent years, obtaining a mortgage has become available to almost everyone. It's simple - you just need to collect the necessary documents and contact the appropriate organization for registration.

But what if your credit history is damaged? After that, obtaining any kind of loan becomes very difficult, and may even be impossible in some cases.

Let's look at the problem in more detail, because there are different cases in life. Your salary could be delayed, you could get sick, your loved ones who needed money for treatment could get sick, and finally, it’s corny, you can simply forget to make the payment on time - and what to do now? After such unintentional violations, the chances of rejection are very high.

CMP Realty will help you choose the most profitable options in various banks, as well as assist in the correct submission of applications so as not to aggravate the situation of your credit history.

All you have to do is leave a request or contact us at the phone number indicated on the website. Further, our managers will understand the essence of your problem and offer the most appropriate solution for a particular case. No need to be afraid that you will be refused or postponed until tomorrow - act right now! & Nbsp;

There is also another undoubted plus awaiting you. After a successful repayment, your credit history will noticeably improve in the eyes of creditors, and as we have already said, there are different situations in life.

Нашу безупречную репутацию подтверждает длительное партнерство с крупнейшими банками России, Таиланда, ОАЭ, Турции, Канады и Сингапура:

«Банк ВТБ», «Россельхозбанк», «Банк Акцепт», «Сбербанк», «Абсолют банк», «Транскапиталбанк», «Unicreditbank», «Deltacredit», «Росбанк», «Металлинвестбанк», «Номосбанк», Kasikornbank, Siam Commercial Bank, Bangkok Bank, TMB Bank, UOB Bank, DBS Bank, OCBC Bank, Krungsri Bank, MBK Bank, HSBC, UBS, Ziraat Bankası, Garanti BBVA, İş Bankası, Royal Bank of Canada, Emirates NBD, First Abu Dhabi Bank, Mashreq.

Банки предоставляют нашим клиентам ипотечные кредиты на льготных условиях. Также нашими партнерами являются крупнейшие застройщики:

ГЖА.рф дает каждому нашему клиенту возможность выгодно получить ипотечный кредит, продать или купить квартиру.

ООО «Сибакадемстрой», ООО «ЭСКаД», СК ООО «Про Мисто», ГК «Стрижи», «ОбьСтройинвест», ООО «Обь-Инвест», «Дельта Девелопмент», ЗАО «ПАМП», ООО «ГласСиб», ООО «СибРесСтрой», НИСК «Метаприбор», ООО «Прогресс», «ТРАНССЕРВИС», ЗАО «Солнечное», «Поликом», «Энергострой», ООО "ГРИНАГРОПРОЕКТ", ГК "ЁЛКА девелопмент", ГК ПИК, ГК Etalon Group, ГК ЛСР, ГК Setl Group, ГК "Брусника", ГК "Самолет", ГК ФСК, ГК "Гранель", Heights Holdings, Global Top Group, Universal Group, Blue Sky Group, Nova Group, Golden Tulip Group.