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Новосибирск обогнал Москву по росту цены на вторичное жилье

Novosibirsk has overtaken Moscow in terms of rising prices for secondary housing

Novosibirsk has overtaken Moscow and ranks second in Russia in terms of growth in the average cost per square meter on secondary housing market based on the results of three quarters of this year.< br>
According to the analytical center of the SRG group of companies, Kazan became the leader of million-plus cities with the highest price for secondary housing, where the price increase for the three quarters of 2018 was 7.8 percent. Novosibirsk ranks second with 5.6 percent, the average price of a square in the city today is 59,548 rubles.

A total of 193 cities participated in the analysis. St. Petersburg closed the first three (4.9 percent). Negative dynamics was shown by Rostov-on-Don (-0.5), Chelyabinsk (-0.8) and Moscow (-2, 4), ranked last in the ranking. At the same time, the average price of a "square" square in the capital is the highest in the country - 165,029 rubles.

According to experts, the market showed positive dynamics in July, August and September: 0.8, 1.2 and 1 percent, respectively . The cost of residential real estate increased by 5 percent compared to the price level in September last year. If we analyze the price dynamics in the country as a whole, then the number of cities where positive price dynamics was noted doubled. The average positive rate was 2.5 percent.

We, a Siberian company with an international name, GZHF.rf help clients with questions real estate purchases, sales, rent, exchange, mortgages in all cities where we have a presence - Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Pattaya, Dubai, Alanya, Phuket and Toronto. GZhF.rf is one of the top 5 largest real estate agencies in Novosibirsk.

GZHF.rf is a laureate of the international competition "The Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage brokers in the market of the city of Novosibirsk. The uniqueness of GZHF.rf is that the company includes both the issuance of mortgage loans according to AHML standards and real estate transactions.
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