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Более 95% ипотек на новостройки выдано по программам с господдержкой

More than 95% of mortgages for new buildings were issued under state-supported programs

By the end of May, more than 95 percent of loans for purchase of an apartment in a new building were issued under state-supported programs. During the month, 29.4 thousand mortgages were issued, which is 21 percent more than was issued in May last year.

Two-thirds of the total number of loans for purchase of an apartment in a new building - 20.2 thousand loans for 50.6 billion rubles - was issued under a new state program at a rate not exceeding 6.5 percent, which was launched on behalf of the president this 2020. About 30 percent was "Family mortgage", under which families with two or more children are given loans at a rate of about 5 percent. About 1.5 percent of loans were issued under the "Far Eastern mortgage" for the purchase or construction of housing in the Far Eastern District.

May became the first month of the full-scale implementation of the mortgage subsidy program housing in new buildings, launched in the second half of April. Thanks to this program, the situation in the mortgage market in May improved significantly compared to April, when there was a decrease in mortgage lending. a href="">mortgage” for the purchase or construction of housing in the Far Eastern District.

May was the first month of the full-scale implementation of the subsidy program mortgages secured by housing in new buildings, started in the second half of April. Thanks to this program, the situation in the mortgage market in May improved significantly compared to April, when there was a decrease in mortgage lending. a href="">mortgage” for the purchase or construction of housing in the Far Eastern District.

May was the first month of the full-scale implementation of the subsidy program mortgages secured by housing in new buildings, started in the second half of April. Thanks to this program, the situation in the mortgage market in May improved significantly compared to April, when there was a decrease in mortgage lending.
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