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Siberian company with an international name CMP, real estate news, mortgage news

ГЖА.рф порадует скидкой в честь своего дня рождения. 12 лет – 12 процентов

GZHA.rf will please you with a discount in honor of your birthday. 12 years - 12 percent

Today the Siberian company with the international name GZHA.rf celebrates its 12th birthday. In honor of this event, we give our clients a 12 percent discount on all services of our agency. We are happy to help everyone get their dream home! Don't put off your dream until tomorrow!

GZHA.rf helps clients with questions purchases, sales, rent and real estate exchange, as well as < a href="" >mortgages in all cities where we have a presence — Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Pattaya, Phuket, Dubai, Alanya and Toronto. Our company is one of the five largest international real estate agencies in Russia. < a href="">GZHA.rf is a laureate of the international competition "Best Goods and Services - Gemma", as well as one of the largest mortgage agencies in the market in Russia and abroad . The uniqueness of GZHA.rf is that the company includes both issuing mortgage loans according to AHML standards and performing operations with real estate.

For 12 years on the market real estate company GZHA.rf has reached the international level. During this time, our company has entered the top five largest international agencies real estate in Russia. More than 20 offices have been opened in Russia and abroad, thousands of transactions have been completed. GZHA.rf includes CMP Realty< /a>, whose offices are located in Pattaya, Phuket, Dubai, Alanya and Toronto. Now with questions about buying, selling, renting, exchanging, mortgages, you can contact Russian realtors from a reliable company.

Contact us - we will provide you with the most favorable conditions. We will select apartment taking into account all your requirements. Choose from thousands of apartments and a successful team of finance, real estate and legal professionals.

In honor GZHA.rf gives its customers the opportunity to receive any service of our company with a 12 percent discount! The only thing you need to do is to contact our agency and give the code phrase "12 years of GZHA". The discount applies to all services of our agency, the promotion is valid until March 8!
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